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KAPS (Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences) Paper 2 Sample 1

KAPS (Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences), 2024 (2023-2024) - Practice Material/Mock Test

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KAPS (Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences) Paper 2 Sample 1 KAPS (Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences) 2024 (2023-2024) Previous Year's Question Papers/Notes Download - HK Technical PGIMS

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KAPS (Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences) Paper 2 Sample 1

Small changes in dose may lead to disproportionate increases in blood levels of
A phenytoin
B warfarin
C digoxin
D carbamazepine
E sodium valproate
2 If a fixed dose of a drug that is eliminated by first order kinetics is administered
intravenously at regular intervals, the time required to achieve a steady state plasma
level depends only on the
A dose of the drug
B volume of distribution of the drug
C elimination half-life of the drug
D dosing interval
E fraction of dose absorbed (bioavailability)
3 A basic principle of drug absorption is that a drug is usually NOT absorbed
A unless the pKa is high
B unless the surface area is optimal
C until it is metabolised
D until it is in solution
E until it has passed to the colon
4 The system which is composed of a liquid dispersed in a liquid is
A a foam
B an emulsion
C a suspension
D an aerosol
E a gel
5 Which of the following characteristics is CORRECT for cationic aqueous creams?
A They contain anionic surfactant as part of the primary emulsifying system
B They contain cationic surfactants as part of the primary emulsifying system
C They are incompatible with cations
D The stability of the emulsion is increased when mixed with anionic drugs
E The activity of the drug is increased when mixed with anionic drugs
6 Which of the following drugs is NOT absorbed systemically when given by mouth?
A Cephalexin
B Oxytetracycline
C Nystatin
D Trimethoprim
E Rifampicin
7 Occlusive dressings are used clinically with topical corticosteroids to
A reduce dermal penetration of the steroid
B reduce skin atropy
C enhance dermal penetration of the steroid
D reduce the incidence of bacterial skin infection
E enhance systemic absorption of steroid
8 If a drug has a very small volume of distribution (Vd), it is likely that this drug
A does not accumulate in various tissues and organs
B has a short biological half-life
C is not bioavailable
D will not be effective
E is widely distributed in the body
9 The route of drug administration that will give the MOST rapid onset of the
pharmacologic effect is
A intramuscular injection
B sublingual administration
C subcutaneous injection
D oral administration
E rectal administration
10 The bioequivalence of two tablets containing an identical amount of the same drug
manufactured by different companies is best determined by measuring
A their disintegration times
B their dissolution times
C the serum concentrations of drug after ingestion
D the drug content of each tablet
E the rate at which each drug is excreted
11 Thiopentone is of shorter duration of action than phenobarbitone because thiopentone
A is absorbed more slowly from the stomach
B has higher lipid solubility
C is more rapidly metabolised by the liver
D is more rapidly excreted by the kidneys
E is more soluble in water
12 Which of the following is NOT administered as a racemic mixture?
A Propoxyphene
B Ibuprofen
C Verapamil
D Esomeprazole
E Warfarin
13 Drugs that demonstrate non-linear pharmacokinetics show which of the following
A A constant ratio of drug metabolites is formed as the administered dose
B The elimination half-life increases as the administered dose is increased
C The AUC increases in direct proportion to an increase in the administered dose
D Both low and high doses follow first order elimination kinetics
E The steady state drug concentration increases in direct proportion to the
dosing rate
14 It was determined that 95% of an oral 80-mg dose of verapamil was absorbed
in a 70 kg test subject.
However, because of extensive biotransformation during its first pass through the
portal circulation, the bioavailability of verapamil was only 25%.
Assuming a liver blood flow of 1500 mL/min, the hepatic clearance of verapamil in this
situation was:
A 60 mL/min
B 375 mL/min
C 740 mL/min
D 1110 mL/min
E 1425 mL/min
15 A new cardiac glycoside has been developed for oral and intravenous (IV)
administration. The drug has an elimination half-life of 24 hours and an apparent
volume of distribution (Vd) of 3 L/kg.
The effective drug concentration in plasma is 1.5 ng/mL. Toxic effects of the drug are
observed at drug concentrations above 4 ng/mL. The drug is 75% bioavailable after an
oral dose.
Calculate an oral maintenance dose to be given once a day for a 65 kg male patient
(age 68 years) with congestive heart failure and normal renal function. The aim is to
achieve an average plasma concentration of 1.5 ng/mL. The dose should be
A 0.125 mg
B 0.180 mg
C 0.203 mg
D 0.270 mg
E 0.333 mg
16 Salicylic acid has a pKa of 3.0 and undergoes significant renal tubular reabsorption. In
aspirin overdose the renal clearance of salicylic acid will be increased to the greatest
extent by
A acidification of the urine
B alkalinisation of the urine
C acidification of the urine plus forced diuresis
D alkalinisation of the urine plus forced diuresis
17 Which of the following drugs has the longest half-life?
A Theophylline
B Morphine
C Verapamil
D Amlodipine
18 The most common bacterial genus associated with acne vulgaris is
A Propionibacterium
B Staphylococcus
C Streptococcus
D Corynebacterium
E Bacillus
19 Which of the following microbes will NOT be covered by clindamycin?
A Fusobacterium nucleatum
B Peptostreptococcus species
C Clostridium difficle
D Clostridium septicum
E Bacteroides fragilis
20 The five antibody classes are
A IgA, IgB, IgC, IgD, IgE
B IgA ,IgB, IgD, IgG, IgE
C IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, IgM
D IgA, IgC, IgE, IgG, IgM
E IgB, IgC, IgD, IgE, IgG
21 Which of the following statements is FALSE in regards to the use of combination antiinfective therapy?
A Flucloxicillin and cephalexin are combined to treat multi-resistant Staph aureus
B Combination therapy is used to prevent emergence of resistance to
C Gentamicin plus a beta-lactam are combined for synergy when treating
enterococcal endocarditis
D Empirical treatment of pelvic inflammatory disease involves combination
therapy to extend the spectrum of antimicrobial cover
22 Which of the following regimens is appropriate for managing herpes simplex
A Famiciclovir 500 mg q12h PO for 7-10 days
B Aciclovir 5 mg/kg IV q8h for >14 days
C Valaciclovir 1000 mg tid PO for 7 days
D Aciclovir 10 mg/kg IV q8h for >14 days
23 All of the following are official pharmacopoeial testing procedures for tablets EXCEPT
A dissolution
B hardness
C disintegration
D friability
E content uniformity
24 An example of an osmotic laxative is
A sennoside tablets
B docusate tablets
C psyllium
D magnesium sulphate
E bisacodyl
25 A suspension is NOT a suitable dosage form for what type of injection?
A Intra-articular
B Intradermal
C Intramuscular
D Intravenous
E Subcutaneous
26 Insulin preparations are usually administered by
A intradermal injection
B intramuscular injection
C intravenous bolus
D intravenous infusion
E subcutaneous injection
27 Methylcellulose and similar agents are MOST commonly used in ophthalmic solutions
A increase drop size
B increase ocular contact time
C reduce inflammation of the eye by their soothing effect
D suspend insoluble drugs
E reduce drop size
28 In which base should hydrocortisone acetate be incorporated to give maximal topical
A Simple Ointment B.P.
B White soft paraffin
C Cetomacrogol cream aqueous
D Wool Alcohols Ointment B.P.
E Hydrous Ointment B.P.
29 The term "impalpable" refers to a substance that is
A bad tasting
B not perceptible to the touch
C greasy
D non-greasy
E tasteless
30 Sodium metabisulphite is used as
A a buffering agent
B an antipruritic
C an antioxidant
D an oxidising agent
E a chelating agent
31 Data obtained from two different batches of tablets of a new hypoglycaemic agent
undergoing clinical trial revealed that Batch 1 contains 200 mg of the drug and has an
absolute bioavailability of 55%.
Batch 2 contains 200 mg of the drug and relative to the first batch has a bioavailability
of 165%.
What is the absolute bioavailability of the second batch?
A 33.33%
B 61.6%
C 90.75%
D 181.5%
E 300%
32 How much ichthammol would be required to be added to a 5% w/w ichthammol in
yellow soft paraffin ointment to prepare 200 g of a 17.5% w/w ichthammol in yellow
soft paraffin ointment?
A 12.5 g
B 13.3 g
C 20.2 g
D 26.3 g
E 33.3 g
33 How many grams of chlorbutol are required to make 500 mL of an aqueous solution of
such a concentration that 25 mL diluted to 100 mL with water will give a 1:2000
A 10
B 2.5
C 1.25
D 1
E 0.1
34 Dopamine 200 mg in 500 mL of normal saline at 5 μg/kg/min is ordered for a 70 kg
patient. At what rate (mL/min) should the solution be infused to deliver the desired
dose of 5 μg/kg/min?
A 0.35
B 0.40
C 0.88
D 2.0
E 5.0
35 Lignocaine hydrochloride is available for intravenous injection as a 2% solution
packed in 5 mL disposable syringes. The dose is 1 mg per kg of body weight by slow
intravenous injection.
The volume of solution that should be used for a patient weighing 60 kg is
A 1.2 mL
B 2.5 mL
C 3.0 mL
D 4.0 mL
E 6.0 mL
36 A solution with a concentration of 0.0125 % may also be described as containing
A 1 part in 80 parts
B 1 part in 800 parts
C 1 part in 8000 parts
D 1 part in 12 500 parts
E 1 part in 25 000 parts
37 Lugol's Solution contains 5% of iodine, and the usual dose of the solution is 0.3 mL
three times a day. The amount of iodine contained in the daily dose of the solution is
A 450 mg
B 150 mg
C 45 mg
D 30 mg
E 15 mg
38 An infusion solution of sodium chloride 0.9% contains a sodium ion concentration of
A 100 mmol/L
B 130 mmol/L
C 150 mmol/L
D 270 mmol/L
E 300 mmol/L
39 A pharmacist has to prepare an aqueous solution containing 1 g of benzalkonium
chloride in 2 L, by diluting a 10% solution. How many mL of water will be required?
A 190
B 200
C 1800
D 1900
E 1990
40 The normal daily adult oral dose of celecoxib is within the range
A 1 - 10 mg
B 15 - 25 mg
C 30 - 100 mg
D 200 - 400 mg
E 0.5 - 1 g
41 Which of the following β-adrenergic blockers is predominantly renally cleared?
A Atenolol
B Metoprolol
C Oxprenolol
D Pindolol
E Propranolol
42 Dose levels of vancomycin should be reduced in patients suffering from
A pulmonary failure
B epilepsy
C hepatic impairment
D heart failure
E renal impairment
43 The normal adult daily dose of hydrochlorothiazide is within the range
A 0.5 - 2 mg
B 2 - 5 mg
C 5 - 25 mg
D 50 - 200 mg
E 0.5 - 1 g
44 For ongoing control of seizures phenytoin may be administered
A only as a single daily dose
B only in three divided daily doses
C as a single daily dose or on a when needed basis
D as a single daily dose or in three divided daily doses
E as a single daily dose or on a when needed basis or in three divided daily
45 Which of the following drugs should NOT be added to the therapy of a poorly
controlled diabetic patient already on maximum doses of metformin and
A Rosiglitazone
B Insulin
C Acarbose
D Repaglinide
46 Which of the following medicines is NOT safe to use in children under 12 years of
A Ceftriaxone
B Norfloxacin
C Imipenem
D Azithromycin
E Rifampicin
47 Naloxone
A is an analgesic
B causes euphoria
C is the drug of choice for the treatment of opiate over-dosage
D is a partial agonist for the opiate receptor
E is equipotent whether given orally or by injection
48 Sodium Chloride 0.9% is a good wound cleansing agent for the following reasons
A is isotonic to body tissue
B has no detrimental effect on living tissue
C can be used to irrigate body cavities
D is economical
E has antiseptic properties
49 Which one of the following statements relating to carbamazepine is FALSE?
A Hepatic and bone-marrow function must be monitored during treatment with
this drug
B Patients who are hypersensitive to phenytoin should avoid carbamazepine
C Carbamazepine is not excreted in breast milk
D It may induce breakthrough bleeding and contraceptive failure in women taking
low dose oral contraceptives
E Carbamazepine can stimulate ADH release, leading to fluid retention
50 Mr Earl, a patient with congestive heart failure, has been taking digoxin 125 mcg/day
for one month and has a plasma digoxin concentration of 0.5 mcg/L.
(The therapeutic range for digoxin in patients with congestive heart failure is 0.5-0.8
Mr Earl is not showing adequate clinical improvement. The MOST appropriate course
of action is to
A maintain the current dose for one month and arrange a digoxin assay when Mr
Earl is at steady state concentration
B commence potassium chloride treatment to increase myocardial sensitivity to
digoxin and arrange a digoxin assay in one month
C increase the dose of digoxin to 187.5 mcg/day and arrange a digoxin assay
when Mr Earl is at steady state concentration
D give a single loading dose of 250mcg digoxin, and maintain the current dose
for one month. Then arrange a digoxin assay when Mr Earl is at steady state
51 Mood disorders are being more widely managed with anticonvulsants. Which of the
following is FALSE with regard to anticonvulsants used in this fashion?
A Carbamazepine is useful in the management and prophylaxis of manic
B Sodium valproate is a useful treatment for rapid-cycling bipolar mood disorder
at doses of 500 – 3000 mg per day
C Clonazepam and sodium valproate are both effective for the treatment of
depressive episodes
D Clonazepam is effective in manic episodes and has advantages over other
benzodiazepines because of its long half-life
E Patients with bipolar mood disorder can be treated with anticonvulsants either
alone or in combination with lithium
52 When considering the usefulness of metformin monotherapy for a patient with type 2
diabetes mellitus, relevant patient factors to consider include
A sulfonamide allergy
B obesity
C sulfonamide allergy and fasting blood glucose levels > 13 mmol/L
D fasting blood glucose levels > 13 mmol/L and obesity
E sulfonamide allergy, fasting blood glucose levels > 13 mmol/L and obesity
53 When monitoring anticoagulation with heparin, which of the following does NOT
A Monitoring the INR
B Observing for signs of bleeding
C Following total platelet count
D Following prothrombin time
E Observing for haematoma
54 The Mantoux test uses
A diagnostic diphtheria toxin
B DPT toxin
C mumps skin test antigen
D old tuberculin
E scarlet fever streptococcus toxin
55 Which of the following is NOT true of methadone?
A Detectable levels in breast milk
B Can be given parenterally
C A narcotic antagonist
D Long elimination half-life
E Has significant analgesic activity
56 Interferons are indicated in which of the following conditions?
A Hairy cell leukaemia, lymphoma, breast cancer
B Colon cancer, acute lymphocytic leukaemia, ovarian cancer
C Hairy cell leukaemia, multiple myeloma, chronic myelogenous leukaemia
D Multiple myeloma, renal cell carcinoma, hepatitis C
E Multiple myeloma, renal cell carcinoma, hepatitis B
57 Which of the following compounds is unlikely to contribute to serotonin syndrome?
A Sibutramine
B Tramadol
C Sertraline
D Olanzapine
E Pethidine
58 A 75-year-old male, with carcinoma of the prostate with local metastatasis, would be
best treated with which of the following?
A Tamsulosin
B Spironolactone
C Finasteride
D Leuprorelin
E Fludrocortisone
59 Metoclopramide is often given together with oral aspirin for the treatment of acute
migraine attacks. The rationale behind the use of metoclopramide is that it will
A slow down the absorption of the analgesic
B hasten the absorption of the analgesic
C constrict cerebral blood vessels
D provide a sedative effect
60 Which of the following drugs has been associated with interstitial pulmonary fibrosis?
A Trimethoprim
B Aspirin
C Nitrofurantoin
D Methysergide
E Salbutamol
61 Methysergide, when used for the prophylaxis of migraine
A suppresses migraine headaches completely in about 75% of patients
B can be used uninterrupted for many years
C can cause rebound headaches when stopped suddenly
D should be started at a dose of 1 mg orally, three to four times daily
62 Cationic exchange resins are most commonly used to treat
A hyperkalaemia
B hyperglycaemia
C hypernatraemia
D hypokalaemia
E hyperchlorhydria
63 Which of the following procedures should be used to monitor effective enoxaparin
A Measure enoxaparin blood levels
B Measure the International Normalised Ratio (INR)
C Measure platelet count
D Measure antifactor Xa
E Measure serum creatinine
64 The following drugs can cause syndrome of inappropriate anti diuretic hormone
A cyclophosphamide
B chlorpromazine
C carbamazepine
D chlorpropamide
E captopril
65 Chronic phenytoin therapy has been associated with
A malabsorption of pyridoxine
B development of dry mouth
C development of glaucoma
D development of gingival hyperplasia
E development of atrial arrhythmias
66 Which of the following properties is NOT true of indomethacin?
A May cause headaches
B Reduces inflammation
C May cause tinnitus
D Increases the antihypertensive effect of β-blockers
E Is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
67 Which one of the following antipsychotic agents provides the lowest risk of
extrapyramidal side effects?
A Olanzepine
B Thioridazine
C Haloperidol
D Thiothixene
E Trifluoperazine
68 Which of the following is contraindicated in nursing mothers because it inhibits milk
A Combined oral contraceptive pill
B Phenytoin
C Theophylline
D Diazepam
E Sulphonamides
69 A 47-year-old premenopausal female with endometriosis is treated with danazol.
Which of the following adverse effects is associated with danazol?
A Weight loss
B Abnormal liver function tests
C Thrombocytopenia
D Heavy menses
E Hypoglycaemia
70 The most prevalent side effect of the chronic use of aluminium hydroxide gel is
A nausea and vomiting
B constipation
C flatulence
D diarrhoea
E gastrointestinal bleeding
71 Which of the following is a common sign of digoxin toxicity?
A Skin rashes
B Decreased blood pressure
C Vomiting
D Increased heart rate
E Dry mouth
72 Sensitisation to sunlight may be produced in a patient being treated with
A temazepam
B ciprofloxacin
C miconazole
D spironolactone
E mirtazapine
73 A common anticholinergic (atropine-like) side-effect of many drugs is
A diarrhoea
B Tinnitus
C Miosis
D fever
E tachycardia
74 The use of pethidine in the management of chronic pain is discouraged because it
A cannot be administered orally
B is the opioid analgesic most likely to cause dependence
C has a toxic metabolite that can accumulate and cause seizures if a patient has
compromised renal function
D has a long half-life and unpredictable pharmacokinetics
E inhibits cytochrome P450 and therefore has the potential to cause drug
75 Halothane
A has a low anaesthetic potency
B is a good analgesic
C will depress respiration in anaesthetic concentrations
D is likely to cause jaundice
76 Which of the following has been shown to be teratogenic?
A Ketoconazole
B Itraconazole
C Etretinate
D Alendronate
E Tolnaftate
77 Moclobemide is useful in Parkinson's disease because it inhibits
A catechol-O-methyltransferase
B monoamine oxidase B
C HMG-CoA reductase
D dopa decarboxylase
E monoamine oxidase A
78 Which of the following has been shown to cause syndrome of inappropriate
antidiuretic hormone release (SIADH)?
A Diazepam
B Lamotrigine
C Carbamazepine
D Propranolol
E Amiloride
79 Which of the following is associated with lethargy, nightmares and cold extremities as
side effects?
A Diazepam
B Theophylline
C Hydrochlorothiazide
D Propranolol
E Phenytoin
80 The following medicines have been reported to cause asthma attacks in susceptible
people EXCEPT
A echinacea
B propranolol
C diltiazem
D royal jelly
E pilocarpine
81 Amiodarone may cause all of the following EXCEPT
A skin discolouration
B Nephritis
C irreversible liver damage
D pulmonary fibrosis
E corneal microdeposits
82 The following drugs can cause an increase in the plasma concentration of digoxin with
increased risk of toxicity EXCEPT
A diltiazem
B verapamil
C phenytoin
D spironolactone
E itraconazole
83 Food containing tyramine should NOT be part of the diet of patients taking which of
the following antidepressants?
A Amitryptyline
B Doxepin
C Tranylcypromine
D Trimipramine
E Nortryptyline
84 Theophylline has a very narrow therapeutic index. This drug has severe dose related
toxicity (seizures and arrhythmias) which may occur without preceding milder
symptoms of toxicity (vomiting and diarrhoea).
Theophylline concentrations are raised by a number of commonly used drugs. Three
such drugs are
A cephalexin, amoxycillin, ranitidine
B ranitidine, aspirin, captopril
C cimetidine, diazepam, flucloxacillin
D erythromycin, cimetidine, nitrazepam
E erythromycin, ciprofloxacin, cimetidine
85 Which of the following compounds may increase the effects of warfarin?
A Spironolactone
B Tibolone
C Irbersartan
D Atorvastatin
E Ezetimibe
86 Which or the following oral antibiotics should not be taken at the same time as oral
iron (Fe2+) containing products?
A Amoxycillin
B Ciprofloxacin
C Erythromycin
D Fluconazole
E Metronidazole
87 If a patient stabilised on digoxin is then administered amiodarone,
A plasma levels of digoxin increase
B plasma levels of amiodarone are increased
C plasma levels of digoxin decrease
D plasma levels of amiodarone are decreased
E there is no change in plasma levels of either drug
88 The following points should be included in your counselling advice to a person using
topical sunscreen agents to prevent sunburn EXCEPT
A while sunscreens under optimal conditions may be effective at preventing
sunburn, they may be less effective at preventing skin cancer
B chemical sunscreens are less effective than avoidance of sun exposure and
physical protection
C water immersion, sweating and infrequent application can make a 15+ broad
spectrum sunscreen less effective
D barrier sunscreens are less effective than chemical sunscreens
89 The preferred thyroid preparation for maintenance replacement therapy is which of the
following drugs?
A Desiccated thyroid
B Liothyronine
C Thyroid stimulating hormone
D Levothyroxine
90 Single daily doses of simvastatin are best taken at
A 6 am
B Noon
C 3 pm
D 6 pm
E Bedtime
91 When dispensing a prescription for sucralfate the pharmacist should tell the patient
A his stools may become discoloured
B he should not take the drug with food or antacids
C the drug has no side effects because it is not absorbed
D the drug has a disulfiram-like effect
E the drug is likely to cause drowsiness
92 Which of the following anticonvulsants is included in pregnancy Category D?
A Lamotrigine
B Gabapentin
C Phenytoin
D Topiramate
E Clonazepam
93 A patient with a superficial wound asks what time period is recommended between
tetanus immunisations?
A Every eighteen months
B Every two years
C Every four years
D Every five years
E Every ten years
94 Time to peak effect of salmeterol is
A one to three minutes
B ten to twenty minutes
C one to two hours
D three to four hours
E approximately twelve hours
95 In Parkinson's disease which of the following drugs is contraindicated?
A Cephalexin
B Haloperidol
C Benzhexol
D Diazepam
E Bromocriptine

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