College of Pharmsey, PGIMS UHS Rohtak
Ist Sessional esamination- 2018
B. Pharm. V semester (Phariaaceutical Jurisprudencel
Time: 1 hr Max marks: 30
10 marks
1. The PCI was constituted ia
a) 1948 b) 1949 c) 1950 d) 1956
2. In elected members of PCI six members elected by
a) Central council b) UGC e) AICTE d) All of the above
3. The inspectors report to whom after inspection
a) Central council b) State council e) Central govt, d) joint State council
4. Minimum training required to be a pharmacist
a) 100 hrs b) 500 hrs e) 300 hrs d) 80 hrs
5. RTI Act 2005 came into force on
a) 12 October 2005b) 15 August 2005c) 15 June 2005d) 1 November 2005
6. What is the time limit to get the information under RTI Aet 2005?
a) 15 days b) 45 days e) 60 days d) 30 days
7. What is the fee for getting infonmation under RTI Act
a) Rs. 20/-h) Rs. S0-c) Rs. 100/-d) Rs. 10-
8. Which of the following is an „intellectual property" as per IPR Laws in India.
a) Original literary wark b) Industrial Design of Maruti00 car e) Trademark of Tata company d) All the above
9. The rights of a patentee are
a) Sell or distribute b) License e) Assign the property to others d) All of the above
10. What is the latest stage of pregnancy when an abontion em te under taken porsant to the MTP act
a)28 weeks h) 12 weeks e) 18 weeks d) 24 weeks
Write a note on: (Attempt any tne)
10 marks
1. Right to information act.
2. IPR.
3. Health survey and all developmental committees
10 marks
Describe in detail MTP act.
Write a detailed note on procedures for registration of pharmacists.
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