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1st sess Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I 2nd Semester B.Pharmacy Previous Year's Question Paper,BP202T Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I,BPharmacy,Previous Year's Question Papers,BPharm 2nd Semester,

1st sess Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I

B.Pharmacy, 2nd Semester, 2019 (2018-2019) - Previous Year's Question Paper

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1st sess Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I B.Pharmacy 2nd Semester 2019 (2018-2019) Previous Year's Question Papers/Notes Download - HK Technical PGIMS

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1st sess Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry I

B. Pharm. 2" Sem. 1" sessional Theory Exam. Pharm. Org. Chem. I.
MM: 30 Time 1 Hr
Q1: Attempt all the questions (1X10)
Roll No.
A) Which one is the seniormost functional group in the nomenclature of an organic compound when it
possesses more than one functional group?
B) SN' reactions are favoured by:
-CHO i) -COOH i -OH iv) -CONH,
Non-polar solvents i) Small group on carbon atom attached to the halogen atom i) Bulky
group on carbon atom attached to the halogen atom iv) None of these
C) Groove's method is used for preparation of:
C;H,I i) C,H;Br ii) C,H;Cl iv) C,H;F
D) Cycloalkanes are isomeric with:
E) A Grignard reagent reacts with water to give an alkane. In this
F) Alkanes have density:
G) Reacticn of HBr with propene in the presence of peroxide gives:
H) 1-Bromobutane is heated with alcoholic KOH, the major product obtained is:
Olefins ii) Alkynes i) Alkadienes iv) All of above
water acts as:
A base i) An acid i) A catalyst iv) A solvent
Less than water i) More than water ii) Equal to water iv) More than mercury
Allyl bromide i) 3-bromopropane i) Isopropyl bromide iv) n-propyl bromide
Cis-2-butene i) Trans-2-butene i) 1-Butene iv) 1-ethoxy butane
I) 1,3-butadiene is prepared in retro-Dieis-Alder reaction by passing vapours of cyclohexene over heated:
LIAÍH, ii) Nichrome alloy i) KOH alc iv) Na-Hg/H,0
J). Conjugated dienes react with which of the following to form a cyclohexene:
Phenol ii) Hexane i) Tribromophenol iv) Dienophile
Attempt any two of the following: (2X5)
Q2: Describe various methods of preparations of alkanes.
Q3): Discuss structural isomerism in organic compounds with suitable examples.
Q4): Discuss ozonization and hydroboration-oxidation of alkenes with mechanism and applications.
Attempt any one of the following: (1X10)
Q5: Explain Diels-Alder reaction with mechanism and discuss factors affecting Diels-Alder reaction with the help of
suitable examples.
Q6: Explain with the help of suitable examples that SN' reactions proceed with complete stereo chemical inversion
while SN' reactions proceed with partial racemisation.

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