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UNIT 3 PROMOTION 8th Semester B.Pharmacy Summaries,BP803ET Pharmaceutical Marketing,B Pharmacy Notes,Pharmaceutical Marketing Management,


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Pharmaceutical Marketing Management


Promotion is basically a communication process. Promotion can be defined as marketing 
communication that attempts to inform and remind individuals and persuade them to accept, 
recommend, re-sell or use a product, service, or an idea.
As per the international federation of pharmaceutical manufacturers association (IFPMA) 
promotion is defined as any activity undertaken organized or sponsored by a member 
company which is directed at healthcare professionals to promote the prescription 
recommendation supply administration or consumption of its pharmaceutical product 
through all media including the internet.
As per WHO promotion can be defined as “all informational and persuasive activities by 
manufacturers and distributors, the effect of which is to induce prescription, supply, purchase
and/or use of medicinal drugs”.
Communication is defined as transfer of idea from one person (sender) to the other 
(receiver). The various promotion mix elements designed for this purpose are referred to as 
communication mix and it consists of 5 components 
a. Source - originator of a message
b. Receiver – the potential customer 
c. Encoding – it can be either through a salesman or by advertising with various mass 
media. The process by which an idea is converted into a message form which can be 
easily understood by the receiver is called as encoding.
d. Reception – this occurs when the message is recognized by the receiver.
e. Decoding – the receiver’s response to the message
Feedback refers to the marketing research studies or reports of the receiver’s response to the 
There are two major elements in the promotional mix of any organization:
(a) Personal communication: includes personal selling, offers direct relationship with each
(b)Non personal communication includes advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and 
public relation. Depends on mass communication.
the promotional mix in pharmaceutical marketing includes personal selling, advertising, 
sales promotion, and publicity.
1. Personal selling: the oral face to face presentation with one or more prospective
purchaser for the purpose of making sales.
2. Advertising: it is any paid form of non-personal presentation of goods or ideas by
an identified sponsor. Pharmaceutical companies use various channels such as
television, radio, print media, digital media, and social media to advertise their
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3. Sales promotion: various ways are used to draw attention of the customer for an
instant reaction regarding the buying of a goods or service. The main sale promotion
technique may be included in different ways: - 
(I) An immediate advantage- price concession, more quantity at the same price,
free service.
(II) Period limited offering- it is intended for limited period. 
(III) Call for immediate action- offer is limited and it is highlighted.
(IV) Cause regret- it includes group sale, gifts, samples, games, raffles, etc.
4. Public relation: Public relations refer to non-paid communication efforts, such as
press releases. These efforts do entail a cost to the firm, but generally are
distinguished from advertising by virtue of the fact that the firm does not pay for
space in the media vehicle itself.
5. Publicity: the public visibility or awareness for any product, service, person, or
organization. Non personnel stimulation of demand for a product or service.
Determinants of promotional mix 
A useful cue for the tasks in planning communications strategy is the 6 Ms model: 
1. Market – to whom is the communication to be addressed? 
2. Mission – what is the objective of the communication?
3. Message – what are the specific points to be communicated? 
4. Media – which vehicles will be used to convey the message? 
5. Money – how much will be spent in the effort? 
6. Measurement – how will impact be assessed after the campaign? 
The marketing communications or promotions mix is potentially extensive including
nonpersonal elements as well as personal selling. The popular non-personal vehicles
are advertising, sales promotion, and public relations. Advertising in media is
particularly effective in 
 Creating awareness of a new product 
 Describing features of the product
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 Suggesting usage situations
 Distinguishing the product from competitors 
 Directing buyers to the point-of-purchase 
 Creating or enhancing a brand image 
Sales promotion includes things such as samples, coupons, and contests. These are
usually most effective when used as a short-term inducement to generate action. The
three major types of sales promotion are: 
(1)Consumer promotions – used by a manufacturer and addressed to the end consumer.
(2)Trade promotions – used by the manufacturer and addressed to the trade partners. 
(3)Retail promotions – used by the trade partners and addressed to the end consume.
The proper allocation of budget across the various media vehicles varies greatly depending
upon the market situation. A fundamental decision is whether to focus on a ‘push’ or ‘pull’
strategy. In a push strategy, focus is on inducing intermediaries, such as a retailer, to sell the
product at retail. Advertising ‘s job may be to make the consumer aware of the product, but
the closing of the deal is left to the intermediary. Alternatively, a pull strategy means the
end consumer develops such an insistence on the product that he or she ‘pulls’ it through
the channel of distribution, and the retailer ‘s role is merely to make the product
conveniently available.
Personal selling is face to face selling technique by which a salesperson uses his or her
interpersonal skill to persuade a customer in buying a particular product. The salesperson
tries to highlight various features of the product to convince the customer. 
Importance of personal selling – benefit to consumer, company, and society
Various marketing Gurus have defined advertising according to their own views: ―
Advertising Consists of all the activities involved in presenting to a group a nonpersonal,
oral or visual openly – sponsored, identified message regarding a product, service, or idea.
This message, called an advertisement, is disseminated through one or more media, and paid
for by the identified sponsor. It is one of the most powerful elements of the promotion mix.
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It is not enough to just make a product. People should be informed of its existence and given
good reasons to buy it. This is work that needs to be done through advertising. Without
advertising, people would not know the features of the product or its price. Now let's talk
about the role and importance of advertising.
1. Disclosure procedure: Advertising is a way of conveying information to a
consumer that enables him to compare the products and services available.
Advertising enables consumers to exercise their free will as a variety of
media such as tracts, newspapers, magazines, billboards, books, radio, and
television as well as motion pictures.
2. Manufacturer concerns
Advertising is a very cost-effective way for a producer or institution to
contact an audience to sell a product or to promote a social welfare cause,
such as a community campaign, or a vaccination program. This involves a
process of mass communication that is different from normal
3. Fundamental right to freedom of speech
Advertising is a necessary means of communication and is an integral part
of free speech. Any denial of the right to recommend legal services or public
opinion will undermine the fundamental right to freedom of expression.
4. Improving productivity
Advertising can help boost the economy of developed and developing
countries. There is enough evidence to support that view. Advertising
stimulates productivity and as a result creates more job opportunities. It can
help stabilize prices and lead to wider distribution and greater availability of
goods and services.
Kinds of advertising 
1. Product advertising: when more stress is put on the brand or the product the 
company advertises e.g., Horlicks, Dettol, etc.
2. Institutional advertising: when the institution or its services are projected in an 
advertisement. These advertisements are not always directed only to consumers but to 
various sets of public. E.g., shareholders, creditors, etc.
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3. Competitive advertising: these kinds of advertising are followed whenever the 
competition is heavy in the market or in case of aggressive marketing e.g., adv. of 
Coca-Cola and Pepsi
4. Comparative advertising: the comparative features of 2 or more specific brands in 
terms of product/service attributes are advertised e.g., complan and Horlicks.
5. Cooperative advertisement: when manufacturer, wholesaler and/or retailer jointly 
sponsor and share the expenses of advertising.
6. Commercial advertising/ non-commercial advertising: advertisement solely meant 
for effective increase in sales are usually termed as commercial advertising. When 
advertisement is published by charitable institutions preferably to solicit general and 
financial help are termed as non-commercial advertisement.
A thoughtfully planned advertising based on a serious deliberation of all factors that have a
bearing upon its success. It involves the use of more logical and reasoning skills. It implies
the development and use of a fact-finding approach to formulation and execution of an
advertising program.
Phases of scientific advertising:
1. Preliminary investigation: it involves the collection of information which can give an
understanding of the market by which the advertising campaign can be directed. 
2. Budgeting and media planning: in recent times are overly sensitive and adequate
scientific planning is conducted to select a highly effective medium of advertising.
3. Execution: the actual execution of advertising program should be in conformity with
the plan formulated based on research and investigation.
4. Testing of results: it includes all tests undergone to find the efficacy and effectiveness
of advertisement.
The words used to convey the advertising idea or theme are called ‘copy.’ Advertisement
copy refers to the reading matter that forms the text of the advertisement whether the text
consists of only one word or many thousand words.
To attract and convince the consumer the advertisement copy must possess any of the
following values:
1. attention value: use of pictures, drawings, headlines slogans, artistic border and
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plenty of blank space contest and reply couplers are some of the various methods
adopted to make copy attractive.
2. Suggestive value: suggests the advantage of buying a particular make e.g., “owners
pride neighbours’ envy” – ONIDA TV
3. Memorizing value: the advertisement should leave an impression on readers mind
e.g., Horlicks – gives extra energy. even symbols and board names are a memorizing
4. Conviction value: the advertisement must contain only a true and convincing facts
that could be readily believed e.g., forhans – the paste created by a dentist.
5. Sentiment value: it should respect the sentiment and feeling of people for whom it is
meant e.g., tata advertised as Indian company Indian made.
6. Educational value: the advertisement should be in nature of enlightenment
concerning use and value of a product by introducing new habit and attracting the
people towards new product. 
7. Instinct value: they are beauty, health, economy, fear, etc any desired instinct of the
consumer is measured and used in advertisement.
8. Action value: well-known symbol of the manufacturer must be advertised which by
itself would satisfy the consumer and could reduce the sale resistance if any is
When selecting advertising media, the following factors should be kept in mind: 
• Advertising costs
• Product quality
• Comparing selected media with other media
• Media thunderstorms
• Customer features 
• Market competition.
Media can be broadly classified as – direct and indirect. 
i. Direct media – whenever direct contact is established with the prospects/consumers
by the advertiser.
ii. Indirect media – whenever a hired agency is used to spread the information. 
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In general media is classified as
Indoor Advertising: 
1. Press advertising: it is divided into newspaper, magazine, and journals. 
a. Newspaper – 
 best and popular medium of advertisement, 
 relatively cheap, 
 reaches a large number of people quickly at the doorstep of consumer, 
 daily advertisement is possible, 
 changes in the pattern of advertisement can be made quickly.
 it has the shortest life today’s newspaper is tomorrow’s wastepaper. 
 May not be effective with illiterate people. 
 People read newspaper in a hurry they may not take notice of advertisement.
b. Magazine and journals – magazine are of 2 types general e.g. India today and special
e.g. business today – meant for the benefit of special group of people 
Journals – technical journals for technician, professional journal sis read by
professionals like teachers, doctors, lawyers, trade journals are circulated among
An advertiser must select a suitable media for making his advertisement effective.
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 Periodically published – twice a week, weekly, fortnight, monthly or quarterly
 Can be read leisurely.
2. Radio advertising: it is the quickest medium of advertising. It reaches a large number
of listeners both educated and illiterate. People tune in radio as source of
entertainment. FM broadcasting has become extremely popular for commercial
advertisement in metropolitan and sub urban areas.
3. Television advertising: latest medium of mass communication. It is an audio – visual
medium. The advertising message reaches the viewers at their home when they are
relaxed and receptive. It is an interesting and entertaining. The message is presented
in the form of pictures, scenes, dialogues, sporting event, etc. 
 Television is costly and sometimes exaggerating.
 In countries where television is luxury, its appeal is restricted to rich people.
 Sometimes the advertisement is so interesting and attractive that viewers
attention is carried away from the product.
4. Film advertising: it is an audio-visual medium. It is made in cinema theatres. The
message is conveyed to big audience in cinema hall. The advertisement is in form of
commercial film and slides. It has mass appeal and covers all class of people. 
 Audience may get irritated when advertisement films are shown.
 It covers only cine goers.
Outdoor Advertising:
1. Posters: common form of advertising. Poster is a sheet of paper carrying advertising
message. They are printed and brief and made in attractive colour. Advertises paste
the posters at important places to convey message and attract the people.
2. Vehicular advertising: it is made in buses or trains.
3. Painted display: this form of advertising structure is erected at various important
places in a city. It is an artistic work visible from distant places.
4. Electric display: this medium is attractive and popular in big cities. Beautiful neon
signs are used, and nighttime is the right time for this type of advertising.
5. Sky advertising: big kites and balloons are floated in air and advertising message is
written on them. People out of curiosity are tempted to read the message conveyed
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by this medium.
6. Hand bills: common way of advertising employed by small scale businessmen.
Printed leaflets containing business message are distributed among the people.
Direct Advertising:
In this form the advertiser passes the message directly to the prospective consumer. direct
advertisement can be made through sales letter, circulars, booklets, etc. a close touch with
customer is possible. It is also known as controlled advertising. 
E.g., Cipla used this media to avoid salespeople for the purpose of promoting drugs to
Promotional Advertising:
1. Window display: also known as Point of Purchase Advertising. Window display
means exhibition of goods in beautifully decorated windows. Goods are displayed in
front of shops or at busy centres like cinema house or railway station. It is changed
periodically. It serves as an effective and economic medium of advertising. 
2. Showrooms: it provides an opportunity to consumers to inspect the products which
they desire to purchase. Salesmen help the prospective consumers with necessary
information about the goods. A well-designed show room creates inward interest in
the minds of customers. 
3. Exhibition: they are trade shows conducted by manufacturers to exhibit their
products. Various producers reserve stalls in trade shows and compete in promoting
sales. They are held at local, national, and international level.
Direct mail marketing is any physical correspondence you send to customers in the hopes
of getting them to patronize your business. 
Form of direct mail: letter, self-mailer, folder, booklets, post cards, price list, charts, poster,
informative manual, magazines, catalogue 
• Possibilities of covering a wide 
• audience 
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• Economy 
• Flexibility 
• Easy to answer Personal Touch 
• Difficult to obtain the right mailing lists.
• Possibility of misleading information
• Frequent changes in mailing list
A newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or professional activity.
Journals are published by academic institution, organization, and commercial publishers on
a regular basis. Journals can be in print or electronic format and are available as both.
Journals can be a means to promote a researched product or approved product using journal
flyers and advertisement on journals homepage.
Pharmaceutical journals are increasing day by day as research is being conducted to bring
safe and effective product and service to satisfy patients need.
University grant commission (UGC) approves a list of journals in various streams and this
list is revised as and when needed.
Sample is a marketing promotion method designed to give the consumer the opportunity to
use the product in a trial with little or no risk. Sampling includes any method used to
deliver a real or experimental product to consumers. It is an extremely useful way to
promote it.
Research shows that consumers are more likely to like the sample, with 43 percent
indicating that they will consider changing varieties if they prefer the free sample offered.
Sampling is very useful for new products and areas with a weak market share in the
established product. Six methods of sampling are widely used.
i. store samples are a method used in food products and cosmetics. Buyers in the
shopping area may be influenced by the direct contact with the product.
ii. distribute the sample from house to house. Although expensive, it can only work
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well if the market is able to identify the right market segment.
iii. the samples were delivered by postal services. It is an expensive method of
distribution, and the sample must be small enough to make it economically viable.
iv. newspaper sampling is another option. This method is very popular with beauty and
health products.
v. In-or-pack sampling the sample item is attached to another product package.
Alternatively, the sample is distributed to supermarkets - shopping malls,
stadiums, and entertainment venues.
vi. product managers are increasingly distributing samples online using the services of
companies that specialize in online sample delivery.
 Sampling is expensive. 
 Mass handling of samples can be mishandled by the postal service or other
 Samples distributed door to door or high traffic locations may suffer from wasted
distribution and not reach the hands of potential customers. 
 In- or on-pack sampling excludes consumers who do not buy the carrying brand.
Instore sampling often fails to reach enough consumers to justify its expense.
 Consumers may misuse sampling. 
 Pilferage can occur when samples are distributed through mail.
It includes all the activities involved in selling goods or services directly to final consumer
for personal, non-business use.
In Indian pharmaceutical marketing, retailers are important mediator from the point of view
of sales as well as distribution. Retailers function as mediator to provide prescribed product
by the registered medical practitioner or doctor to the patient. 
 Encourage competitor switch.
 Encourage switch to bigger size.
 Encourage physician to switch to new formulations.
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 Improve company image.
 Build loyalty.
Exhibition is to exhibit new and advanced technique or technology in a unified way with
advance technology to conduct business effectively at national and international level.
 It offers a chance to articulate feedback of client and customers for identifying market
opportunities, competition of similar products and service and to expand commercial
infrastructure with new people including joint initiatives and partnership. 
It provides a unique networking platform to both Indian and foreign participants.
Advantages of medical exhibition: 
 Learn new marketing tactics. 
 Make use of buying mood of customers
 Develop and strengthen the brand.
Another important tool of marketing is maintaining Public Relations. In simple words, a
public relation means maintaining public relations with public. By maintaining public
relations, companies create goodwill. Public relations evaluate public attitudes; identify the
policies and procedures of an organisation with the public interest to earn public
understanding and acceptance. It includes shareholders, suppliers, intermediaries,
customers etc. The firm’s success and achievement depend upon the support of these
parties for example, firm needs active support of middlemen to survive in market, it must
have good relations with existing shareholders who provide capital.
 Help to convey the policies and programmes of the organisation.
 Help to collect information about public opinion about the organisation, management
activities etc.
 To overcome the complaints and dislikes of public.
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 To mould people’s attitude in favour of organisation.
 To maintain goodwill and understanding between organisation and public.
 To build an image of the organisation
Tools of Public Relations: The companies can use the following tools to improve their
relations with public:
1. News: Sometimes companies get involved in such kind of activities or make such
policies so that they get some positive coverage in news. For example, a company’s
name may be covered in news for reservation of jobs for women or for introducing
new technology etc. 
2. Speeches: The speeches given by the leaders of corporate sectors influence various
members of public specially banks, shareholders etc. Public relations department
creates occasion when the leader of company delivers the speeches.
3. Events: Events refer to organizing press conferences, multimedia presentation,
matches, stage shows etc.
4. Written Materials: Sometimes written materials such as Balance Sheet, Annual
Reports, Special documents, Brochures etc. are circulated to various parties to
improve and maintain public image of the company.
5. Social Activities: Big business houses often associate themselves with various social
service projects such as women welfare programmes, charity shows, up-keeping of
parks, planting trees on roadside, training schools, running schools, colleges,
hospitals etc.
Online marketing and advertising techniques, such as search engine optimization (SEO), 
pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, and email marketing can be used to
promote OTC products and drive website traffic and sales.
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search Engine Optimization focuses on optimizing 
a website’s content, structure, and keywords to improve its visibility in search engine results.
By optimizing product descriptions, using relevant keywords, and ensuring user-friendly 
website navigation, OTC product websites can rank higher in search results, making it easier 
for potential customers to find the products.
2. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: PPC advertising involves placing ads on search 
engines and other online platforms. Advertisers only pay when users click on their ads. For 
OTC products, PPC campaigns can target specific keywords relevant to the products, 
ensuring that the ads are displayed to users actively seeking those items.
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3. Social Media Marketing: Social media platforms provide a direct way to engage with 
consumers. OTC product brands can create profiles on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, 
and Twitter to share product information, educational content, customer reviews, and 
promotions. Engaging visuals and relevant hashtags can help reach a wider audience.
4. Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers who have a strong online presence,
and a relevant audience can enhance the visibility of OTC products. Influencers can review, 
demonstrate, or endorse products through their content, offering a credible perspective that 
resonates with their followers.
5. Content Marketing: Creating valuable and informative content related to OTC products 
can attract potential customers. Blogs, articles, infographics, and videos can educate 
consumers about the benefits, usage, and effectiveness of the products, establishing the brand
as a reliable source of information.
6. Email Marketing: Email marketing involves sending targeted emails to a subscriber list. 
Brands can send newsletters, promotional offers, product updates, and informative content 
directly to consumers’ inboxes, encouraging them to take action and make a purchase.
7. Interactive Online Tools: Creating interactive tools, such as symptom checkers or 
product recommendation quizzes, can engage users and guide them towards suitable OTC 
products. These tools provide value and encourage users to explore the product range.
Overall, a combination of these promotional techniques can be effective in driving 
awareness, interest, and sales of OTC products. It’s important for OTC product marketers to 
carefully evaluate their target audience and choose the most effective promotional techniques
based on their goals and budget.
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