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Unit 4 revision 8th Semester B.Pharmacy Other,BP802T Social and Preventive Pharmacy,

Unit 4 revision

B.Pharmacy, 8th Semester, 2025 (2024-2025) - Other

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Unit 4 revision B.Pharmacy 8th Semester 2025 (2024-2025) Previous Year's Question Papers/Notes Download - HK Technical PGIMS

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Unit 4 revision

Revision Unit 4
Unit 4 syllabus
1. National health intervention programme for mother and child,
2. National family welfare programme,
3. National tobacco control programme,
4. National Malaria Prevention Program,
5. National programme for the health care for the elderly,
6. Social health programme;
7. role of WHO in Indian national program
National health intervention programme for mother and child
• To reduce maternal and infant mortality rates through targeted healthcare interventions.
• To improve access to prenatal, neonatal, and postnatal care services for mothers and children.
• Mobilizing healthcare resources for maternal and child health clinics and outreach programs.
• Conducting regular screenings, vaccinations, and health education sessions for expectant mothers and children.
• Decreased maternal and infant mortality rates due to timely interventions and improved healthcare access.
• Enhanced overall health and well-being of mothers and children through preventive healthcare measures and education.
National family welfare programme
• To promote family planning and reproductive health services to ensure the well-being of individuals and families.
• To control population growth rates through the provision of contraceptives and education on family planning methods.
• Establishing family planning clinics and distribution centers for contraceptives.
• Implementing educational campaigns to raise awareness about family planning options and reproductive health.
• Reduced population growth rates and improved maternal and child health outcomes.
• Empowerment of individuals and families to make informed decisions about their reproductive health, leading to healthier and more
sustainable communities.
National tobacco control programme
• To curb the prevalence of tobacco use and its associated health risks by implementing
comprehensive control measures.
• To protect the population from the harmful effects of tobacco through regulatory policies, public
awareness campaigns, and cessation support.
• Enforcing tobacco advertising bans, taxation policies, and smoke-free legislation.
• Providing smoking cessation programs, education on tobacco-related health risks, and support for
tobacco farmers transitioning to alternative livelihoods.
• Reduction in tobacco consumption rates and related health problems such as cancer,
cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory illnesses.
• Improved public health and well-being, decreased healthcare costs, and a healthier environment
due to reduced exposure to secondhand smoke
National Malaria Prevention Program
• To mitigate the transmission of malaria by implementing preventive measures such as vector control and health education.
• To reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with malaria through prompt diagnosis, treatment, and surveillance.
• Distributing insecticide-treated bed nets, indoor residual spraying, and larval control to minimize mosquito breeding habitats.
• Training healthcare workers, conducting community outreach, and facilitating early diagnosis and treatment of malaria cases.
• Decreased incidence of malaria cases and related deaths, particularly among vulnerable populations such as children under five and pregnant
• Improved overall public health, productivity, and socio-economic development in malaria-endemic regions due to reduced disease burden and
healthcare expenditures.
Preventive medication strategy for Malaria
• Distribution: Implementing widespread distribution of preventive medications
such as anti-malarial drugs, particularly in high-risk areas or among vulnerable
• Targeting: Prioritizing preventive medication distribution to individuals at higher
risk of malaria infection, such as pregnant women and travelers to endemic
• Education: Conducting educational campaigns to raise awareness about the
importance of preventive medication, proper usage, and potential side effects.
• Monitoring: Establishing surveillance systems to track the effectiveness of
preventive medication programs and to identify areas needing additional
• Integration: Integrating preventive medication strategies with other malaria
control measures such as vector control and health education to maximize impact
and sustainability.
Medications for malaria
• Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs): These are the most effective and
widely used treatments for uncomplicated malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum, the
most deadly malaria parasite. Examples include artemether-lumefantrine, artesunateamodiaquine, and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine.
• Chloroquine: Used for the treatment of malaria caused by chloroquine-sensitive strains of
Plasmodium species. However, resistance to chloroquine is widespread in many parts of
the world.
• Quinine and Quinidine: These drugs are traditionally used for severe malaria cases or
when other treatments are not available. They are often used in combination with other
• Mefloquine: An alternative to chloroquine for the prevention and treatment of malaria,
particularly in areas with chloroquine-resistant strains.
• Doxycycline, Atovaquone-Proguanil, and Primaquine: These drugs are used for malaria
prophylaxis (prevention) in travelers to areas where malaria is endemic.
• Choice of medication depends on factors such as the type of malaria parasite, the severity
of the infection, drug resistance patterns in the region, and individual factors such as age,
pregnancy, and medical history

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