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TOT Agencies ACPTT, NRDC, TIFAC, BCIL, TBSE 7th Semester B.Pharmacy ,BP702T Industrial Pharmacy,BPharmacy,Handwritten Notes,BPharm 7th Semester,Important Exam Notes,Industrial Pharmacy,


B.Pharmacy, 7th Semester, 2021 (2020-2021) -

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TOT Agencies ACPTT, NRDC, TIFAC, BCIL, TBSE B.Pharmacy 7th Semester 2021 (2020-2021) Previous Year's Question Papers/Notes Download - HK Technical PGIMS

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HK Technical PGIMS ( INTRODUCTION • Technology of transfer may be defined as a mutually agreed upon, intentional, goal-oriented, and proactive process by which technology flows from an entity that owns the technology (the transferor) to an entity seeking the technology (the transferee). • The transfer involves cost and expenditure that is negotiated and agreed upon by the transferee and transferor. • The transfer may be said to be successful if the transferee can successfully utilise the technology for business gains and eventually assimilate it. • Technology transfer can be vertical or horizontal technology transfer. • Vertical transfer refers to transfer of technology from basic research to applied research, development, and production respectively. • Horizontal technology transfer refers to the movement and use of technology used in one place, organisation, or context to another place, organisation, or context. • It is also important to view technology transfer from the perspective of the “technology development chains” of a transferor and transferee. 1.APCTT • Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology • It is a United Nations Regional Institution under the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). • established in 1977 in Bangalore, India. • In 1993, the Centre moved to New Delhi, India 1.APCTT • APCTT promotes transfer of technology to and from small- and medium-scale enterprises (SMEs) in Asia and the Pacific • APCTT implements development projects funded by international donors aimed at strengthening the environment for technology transfer among SMEs • Centre makes special efforts to encourage more participation of women in the field of technology. 1.APCTT • APCTT undertakes consultancy assignments in various technology transfer related areas (institution building, human resources development, studies, business partnership development). • The objective of APCTT is to strengthen the technology transfer capabilities in the region and to facilitate import/export of environmentally sound technologies to/from the member countries. • All member states and associate members of UNESCAP are de facto members of APCTT. 2.NRDC • The National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) was a nondepartmental government body established by the British Government to transfer technology from the public sector to the private sector. 2.NRDC • The NRDC was established in India in 1953 to help develop and promote technologies developed at various national R&D institutions. • In 1981, the NRDC was combined with the National Enterprise Board ('NEB') to form the British Technology Group ('BTG‘) 2.NRDC • Typically the NRDC would patent the product for commercial exploitation and earn royalties as private sector companies generated sales from those products. • Examples of such products include carbon fibre, asbestos-plastic composites and developments in semi-conductor technology. • The development of the hovercraft would also not have taken place without the involvement of the NRDC. 3. TIFAC • TIFAC is an autonomous organization set up in 1988 under the Department of Science & Technology to look ahead in technology domain, assess the technology trajectories, and support innovation by networked actions in select areas of national importance 3. TIFAC • TIFAC embarked upon the major task of formulating a Technology Vision for the country in various emerging technology areas. • Under the leadership of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Technology Vision 2020 exercise led to set of 17 documents, including sixteen technology areas and one on services. • In more than 25 years of its service to the nation, it has delivered number of technology assessment and foresight reports. 3. TIFAC • While inaugurating the 103rd Indian Science Congress in Mysuru, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi released the Technology Vision 2035 prepared by TIFAC. • This is being followed by release of Technology Roadmaps in 12 thematic areas of national priorities and importance • Education, Medical Science & Health Care, Food and Agriculture, Water, Energy, Environment, Habitat, Transportation, Infrastructure, Manufacturing, Materials and Information & Communication Technologies (ICT). 3. TIFAC • Recently, Hon’ble President of India conferred Rani Lakshmibai Award (Nari Shakti Puraskar 2015) upon TIFAC for its scheme KIRAN-IPR that is empowering women in R&D through training on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). 4.BCIL • Biotech Consortium India Limited (BCIL), New Delhi was incorporated as public limited company in 1990 under The Companies Act, 1956. • The consortium is promoted by the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India and financed by the All India Financial Institutions and some corporate sectors 4.BCIL • BCIL 's major functions include the development and transfer of technology for the commercialisation of biotechnology products, project consultancy, biosafety awareness and human resource development 4.BCIL • BCIL has been successfully managing several Flagship schemes and Programmes of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. • Most notable include: • 1. Biotechnology Industry Partnership Programme • 2. Biotechnology Industrial Training Programme • 3. Small Business Innovation Research Initiative 5.TBSE • The Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises (TBSE)) is a platform for MSMEs) to tap opportunities at the global level for the acquisition of technology or establishing business collaboration. • TBSE is a result of the cooperative initiative of the United Nations’ Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) and Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). • TBSE also receives partial funding from the Office of DC (SSI), Government of India 5.TBSE ➢ Features of Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises (TBSE) • Offering a professionally managed system for the reasons of technology and collaboration exploration • Helping in the building up of confidence between potential partners • Lending a friendly hand in the complex task of negotiations and matching of perceptions • Providing an opportunity to global technology market through the process of networking • Exclusive mechanism for the arrangement of technology and finance • Taking up project appraisal and the preparation of a business plan 5.TBSE • In 1995, SIDBI had created a Technology Bureau for Small Enterprises (TBSE) in connection with United Nations Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology. • Technology Bureau for small enterprises makes available services to make possible transfer of technology and joint -venture collaborations. • The new technologies for the reason of transfer are sourced from countries namely China, Philippines, South Korea, Australia, Germany, as well as the U.S.

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