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SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for Rotameter 7th Semester B.Pharmacy ,BP304T Pharmaceutical Engineering,BPharmacy,Pharmaceutical Engineering,Standard Operating Procedure (SOP),Practical and Experiments,

SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for Rotameter

B.Pharmacy, 7th Semester, 2022 (2021-2022) -

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353 2 Report Feb 18, 2022

SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for Rotameter B.Pharmacy 7th Semester 2022 (2021-2022) Previous Year's Question Papers/Notes Download - HK Technical PGIMS

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SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) for Rotameter



  1. The Flow Probe is calibrated at the factory, so further calibration is not necessary.
  2. The computer functions are:
    1. Velocity: the upper display number is the instantaneous velocity to the nearest 0.5 foot
    2. The lower display number is used for the following functions:
      1. Average velocity (V AV)
      2. Maximum velocity (V MX)
      3. Stop watch (STPWATCH), and
      4. CLOCK
  3. Press both buttons to re-zero the displayed function
  4. Press the right button to scroll between display screens
  5. Press the left button to switch from V AV to V MX on that display screen
  6. Make sure the propeller turns freely by blowing strongly on it.
  7. The arrow at the bottom of the propeller housing should point downstream.
  8. Place the meter in the desired location in the stream.
  9. Wait for the velocity value to become steady.
  10. When the probe is removed from the stream the average and maximum velocity values will remain on the display.
  11. Record the average velocity value in the field notebook.
  12. Measurement of liquids: Vent the pipeline during start-up.
  13. Open valves slowly to avoid water hammer.
  14. Measurement of gases: The device should not be subjected to pulsating flows.
  15. Maintenance:
  16. After use, allow the handle and probe to dry. Do NOT allow the computer to become submerged – this can damage the unit.
  17. Battery replacement: Remove the battery cover and replace the battery with 3 volt lithium cell (CR2032). The computer will need to be reset after battery replacement. See manufacturer’s instructions for this procedure
  18. Propeller: make sure that no debris is lodged in the propeller housing. Blow on the propeller to test to see if it turns freely.
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