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Leprosy Pathophysiology 2nd Year B.Pharmacy Research Work/Project,BP204T Pathophysiology,B. Pharmacy 2nd Year,BP204T Pathophysiology,Leprosy,

Leprosy Pathophysiology

B.Pharmacy, 2nd Year, 2022 (2021-2022) - Research Work/Project

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Leprosy Pathophysiology B.Pharmacy 2nd Year 2022 (2021-2022) Previous Year's Question Papers/Notes Download - HK Technical PGIMS

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Leprosy Pathophysiology

TOPIC: Leprosy pathophysiology

 Leprosy is a chronic, curable infectiousdiseasemainlycausing skin lesions and nerve damage.  It mainly affects the skin ,eyes, nose andperipheralnerves.  It is also called as Hansen's disease. CAUSES OF LEPROSY
 Leprosy is caused by infection withthebacteriumnamed Myobacterium leprae.  It spreads person to person throughinfectedrespiratory droplets during coughs or sneezes.
1. Introduction
2. Cause of leprosy
3. Symptoms
4. Types of leprosy
5. Diagnosis and test
6. Prevention
7 Conclusion
 Materno - foetal transmission across theplacenta. Transmission from milk of leprosy affectedmothertoinfant.  Direct contact with untreated leprosy patients.  It is caused genetically also. SYMPTOMS OF LEPROSY
 It includes light coloured or red skinpatcheswithreduced sensation.  People may also experience pain in joints.  Reduced sensation of touch, pins , needlesorlossoftemperature sensation.  Muscle weakness, eye problem, nerveinjuryorweightloss. TYPES OF LEPROSY
 Indeterminate leprosy :- A fewHypopigmented
macules, it can be heal spontaneously if persistthenitadvances to other forms.  Tuberculoid leprosy :- It is characterizedbyafewflator slightly raised skin lesions of varioussizethataretypically pale or slightly red, dry, hairlossandlossofsensation.  Borderline tuberculoid leprosy :- lesionssimilartotuberculoid but more numerous morenerveinvolvement.  Lepromatous leprosy :- It is characterizedbymanylesions with bacteria , hair loss, moreseverenerveinvolvement with peripheral nerve thickening, limbweakness, disfigurement.  Borderline lepromatous leprosy :- manylesionsincluding flat lesions, raised bumps, plaqueandnodules, more numbness. DIAGNOSIS AND TESTS
 Lepromin skin test can be usedtodistinguishlepromatous from tuberculoid leprosy, but isnotusedfor diagnosis.  Skin lesion biopsy.  Skin scraping examination for acid fast bacteria. PREVENTION AND TREATMENT
 People who are in immediate contact withtheleprosypatient should be tested for leprosy.  Annual examinations should also beconductedonthese people for a period of five yearsfollowingtheirlast contact with an infectious patient.  Reconstructive surgery is aimed at preventingandcorrecting deformities.  The major goals of the leprosy control programareearly detection of patients and appropriatetreatment;and adequate care for the prevention of disabilitiesandrehabilitation. Because leprosy is an infectiousdiseaseantibiotic therapy plays a pivotal roleinmanagementof newly diagnosed patients. CONCLUSION
Educating the people regarding this diseaseanditssymptoms and complications can reducestheriskofthisdisease to spread in future by taking preventivemeasureseducating the people regarding symptoms andtreatmentofleprosy.

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